Fundraising | 05.01.2022 | By: Jo Grange
A New Year challenge for former client Cherie
It’s that time of year for resolutions and health challenges and we’re pleased to share Cherie’s fundraising story with you where she’s aiming to raise £1000 for Headway Sussex.
Happy New Year from us all at Headway Sussex!
Cherie contracted meningitis in 2018 and then suffered a stroke resulting in a brain injury. She came to Headway Sussex for help and took part in some counselling sessions as well as joining our Brighton Support Group for a while. Our Outreach Service also supported her in person and continued by phone when Cherie needed someone to talk to.
Reflecting on her involvement with Headway, Cherie says
‘Debbie, my Outreach Support listened to me on the phone angry, other times crying but she was never, ever impatient with me she just listened. I was discharged to my parent’s house and there was so much I couldn’t say to my family for fear of upsetting them or them thinking I was stupid, but I kept calling Headway and not once did they make me feel stupid or that I was wasting their time… I needed to vent, I was scared but they listened.’
Cherie’s food shop to kick start her healthy eating
To give something back to Headway Sussex, Cherie is taking on a weight loss challenging, swapping lbs for £££s. She’s aiming to lose around 56 whopping lbs. Her journey starts this week so if you’re able to sponsor her it would be much appreciated –
We’ll update you on her progress over the coming weeks. Best of luck Cherie!