News | 31.08.2022 | By: Jo Grange

A summer of pottery inspired by the Platinum Jubilee

Clients at Newick and Brighton have enjoyed pottery sessions this summer led by Brighton-based ceramicist Nina of Nina Newman Ceramics.ย  Thanks to a grant from Arts Council England as part of their Platinum Jubilee Fund, we were able to dust off the kiln and have it serviced whilst Nina inspired clients to design Jubilee bunting and a pot based on the theme of Britishness and native wildlife.

The final designs that were created are varied and unique, with personalised messages and hand scribed images, glazed in a variety of colours. We’re still feeding the last few pieces through the kiln before finishing them with a clear glaze and displaying them for all to enjoy.

The pottery sessions were run as part of our Living Well Programme, aiming to provide a variety of activities to engage, challenge and stimulate clients. The feedback we received from those that took part reflected their enjoyment of the sessions and the pleasure that can be found from focusing on creating something from a raw material.

We hope to secure more funding and partnership arrangements to offer further pottery sessions in the future.