News | 15.08.2022 | By: Jo Grange

Hire the Headway Sussex minibus

We’re pleased to announce our minibus has had a makeover and is now available to hire for community events. Seating up to 3 wheelchair users and 13 passengers, you can enquire about hiring it via Bluebird Community Transport Sussex – 01444 471919.

This summer our old Headway East Sussex minibus has been refreshed and updated with our Headway Sussex branding by Mid-Sussex Signs and is now part of the fleet available for community hire at Bluebird Community Transport Sussex.

Clients and staff were pleased to welcome it back earlier this summer and Chief Execuitive Jenny Musgrove said

‘Our minibus is very precious. We’re working in partnership with Community Transport Sussex and we’re really thrilled to have that partnership depicted on the minibus. It just feels like partnership with Bluebird and community transport and also the sign writer has done such a great job and the clients are going to love it so thank you to everybody.’

If you would like to find out more, watch our short video below and call them on 01444 471919 or visit their website Bluebird Community Transport Sussex.