News | 31.08.2022 | By: Jo Grange

Wildlife gardening at Newick

Thanks to a generous donation from the Enstar Group, clients at Newick have enjoyed a summer of gardening, encouraging wildlife to our outdoor spaces and growing some tasty produce we’ve all been able to enjoy.

Back in May the group started sowing seeds of wild flowers and vegetables, lining them up on the windowsills at Newick to benefit from the early summer sunlight. As the shoots started to appear, seedlings were potted on and moved outside during the day or into the temporary greenhouse.

By mid-summer, we had strawberries, tomatoes, sweetcorn, lettuce, sweet peas, garlic and flowers brightening up our outdoor spaces as well as herbs in a raised bed that had been cleared and refreshed. A regular team took to watering twice a week whilst others were picking and sharing the produce. You can’t beat the taste of a freshly picked tomato, still warm from the sun!

Gardening is an activity we like to run in the warmer months as part of our Living Well Programme, encouraging clients to engage in physical activity they may not do at home and enjoy the benefits of working outdoors, nurturing a seed to maturity and enjoying the fruits of their labour.

Thanks to the donation from Enstar, we were able to buy seeds, materials, tools, plants and containers, many of which we will be able to use again next year.  We are always looking for sponsors for our activities and welcome any enquiries from local businesses who would like to get involved with us.